Interview with Suzy Croft
1. What is a typical day like for a hospice social worker?
2. As a social worker what is your experience of social pain ?
3. What are some of the ways in which you have come across social pain for migrants at the end of life?
Suzy Croft is a senior social worker at St. John's Palliative Care Centre and is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Citizen Participation at Brunel University.
She is a trustee of two leading UK palliative care organisations and is a member of the editorial collective of Critical Social Policy.
With Peter Beresford and Lesley Adshead, Suzy co-authored Palliative Care, Social Work and Service Users: Making Life Possible.
On the November 2nd Macmillan Cancer Support highlighted how delays in benefits were affecting people with terminal illnesses. The first part of Suzy's interview includes stories about the impact of welfare benefits on the lives of people supported by the hospice.